Methods of Environmental Sciences

From Sustainability Methods

The course Methods of Environmental Sciences covers a broad cross-section of those scientific methods and approaches that are central to sustainability research as well as further Wiki entries that frame the presented methods in the light of the Wiki's conceptual perspective.

Definition & History of Methods

Within this lecture we deeply focus on the formation of a new arena in science that is including not only system knowledge, but also normative knowledge as well as transformative knowledge. In order to create solution for the problems we currently face, a solution orientated agenda is necessary. This may demand the creation of novel methodological pathways to knowledge creation. Here, we give a tentative overview on the developments up until now.

The relation of theory, methods and topics

Thought Experiment & Legal Research

Quantitative Methods in the Humanities

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Grounded Theory


The ecological experiment

Causal Loop Diagrams

Questioning the status quo in method-driven research

Social Network Analysis


Mixed Methods in transdisciplinary research

Recap & Outlook

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