This page provides an overview on all entries that relate explicitly to statistical analyses.
The statistics flowchart
New to statistics?
The following page allows for an interactive path to the method you need - just take your data and click through the diagrams step by step.
An initial path towards statistical analysis
Basic entries
These are some basic entries you might be interested in:
- ANOVA - a statistical method that allows to test differences of the mean values of groups within a sample.
- Introduction to statistical figures - an overview page for all kinds of data visualisation.
- Data formats - explains all different kinds of data types.
- Data distribution - what is a normal distribution, and how can you identify it?
- Correlations - Correlations are a basic method in statistics that you should know about.
- Regression Analysis - Regressions are Correlations + Causality and let you predict data.
- Experiments - an overview on the history and different kinds of experiments.
- Why statistics matters - why should you engage with statistics?
- Bias in statistics - statistics can be flawed, and we tell you why.
R Coding examples
On this Wiki, we believe in the importance of experience, and therefore provide guidance on how to approach statistical analyses in the Software R.
The following list includes all Wiki entries that include R code examples: All R example pages
Statistics entries
There is a lot more than the aforementioned entries. Some revolve around statistical methods, others around the normativity of statistics.
The following is a list of all Statistics entries: All statistics entries