Coding in Notebooks

From Sustainability Methods
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There are two main types of python files: scripts and notebooks. Scripts are files that contain the extesion .py while notebooks have .ipynb).

Coding notebook is sort of a software document where you can write and run code in separate cells. Also, you can have text cells where you put your annotations or explanations of the code or any other thing. Lastly, when you run your code cells, an output cell will be produce containing either the output of your code or an error.

Jupyter notebook is very popular for any kind of python data programmers. The alternate version for that is Google Colab or Kaggle notebooks.

If you are coming from coding in R, the notebook format will seem a bit strange.

The concept of coding in notebooks revolves around an interactive environment that blends code execution, text explanations, and visualizations into a single narrative. This approach fosters an iterative workflow where you can experiment, analyze results, and document your progress all within one place.

      1. Logic of Notebook Coding

Here's what makes notebooks a powerful tool:

- **Interactive Execution:** Notebooks allow you to write and execute code in discrete sections called cells. This lets you test small code snippets and see the immediate output, facilitating a more exploratory coding style. - **Modularization:** Code is organized into **cells**, which can contain code, text explanations, visualizations, or a combination of these. This modularity makes the code easier to read, understand, and modify. - **Iteration:** Cells can be executed individually or in sequence, allowing you to experiment with small code snippets, see the results immediately, and refine your approach as you go. This promotes a more exploratory and dynamic coding style. - **Documentation and Explanation:** You can interweave code cells with text cells containing explanations, markdown formatting, and even images. This creates a documented record of your thought process and analysis steps. - **Visualization Integration:** Embedding visualizations directly within the notebook allows you to see how your code affects the data and results visually. This promotes a more intuitive understanding of the analysis.

This approach makes notebooks ideal for tasks like:

- Data cleaning and exploration - Data visualization - Machine learning model development and prototyping - Reproducible research

      1. Jupyter Notebook: The Pioneering Tool

Jupyter Notebook is the original and most widely used notebook environment. It features a web-based interface where:

- **Cells:** Code and text cells are arranged sequentially. - **Cell Types:** Different cell types allow for code execution (code cells), explanations (markdown cells), and output display (including images). - **Markdown Support:** Markdown formatting enables rich text elements like headings, bullet points, and embedded images within text cells. - **Kernel Selection:** Jupyter Notebook supports various kernels, allowing code execution in different languages like Python, R, Julia, etc.

      1. JupyterLab: The Next-Generation Environment

JupyterLab is a more recent and advanced environment that builds upon Jupyter Notebook. It offers several enhancements:

- **Modular Interface:** JupyterLab features a customizable user interface with a sidebar for file management, tabs for multiple notebooks, and a separate console area. - **Richer Extensions:** JupyterLab offers a wider range of extensions that can add functionalities like code completion, version control integration, and custom visualization tools. - **Integrated File System:** JupyterLab provides a more robust file system view, allowing for easier management of notebooks, data files, and project directories.

      1. Choosing Between Jupyter Notebook and JupyterLab

While both Jupyter Notebook and JupyterLab offer notebook-style coding, the choice depends on your needs:

- **Jupyter Notebook:** Ideal for beginners or quick explorations due to its simplicity and familiarity. - **JupyterLab:** Preferred for larger projects or those requiring extensive customization and additional functionalities through extensions.

Ultimately, both Jupyter Notebook and JupyterLab empower a powerful and interactive coding style that is well-suited for data science, machine learning, and various other computational workflows.