AI in education

From Sustainability Methods

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What, Why & When

Digital tools of artificial intelligence have become a a groundbreaking and dangerous array of softwares that modern education need to deal with. While fears are mounting that students will flock to openly available tools to solve their homeworks, current algorithms are undeniably so bad that one cannot know if we should laugh or cry, as Noam Chomsky put it. This makes it all the while more important to highlight the role of AI tools, how these could be used, and where we should actively criticise them or even altogether reject them. It is clear that approches such as ChatGPT have a humongous amount of knowledge, yet they cannot really make a lot of sense of it like at all. To this end, current AI is like a three year old with a massive brain, knowing vaguely everything humankind knew of a rudimentary but widespread level, but being incapable to make any sense of it, or show any experience whatsoever. „But it's as always and everywhere: The industry sees a huge energy reserve, while science views it as a time bomb.“ - (translated to English) Frank Schätzing: Der Schwarm.

Use cases of AI

Is AI truly intelligent? Can we use it reliably in teaching, research and writing essays? Haven’t we all felt guilty of ignoring this question for too long? OpenAI launched ChatGPT at the end of November 2022. The impact on students ever since has been tremendous: AI is serving students as a personal tutor and study buddy, a test generator, language learning assistant, summarization tool, programming tool and brainstorming tool. Which unique value does it leave us to create? Where does it leave us as a society? And how can we use it with good conscience? In the following, we will discuss the roles of AI in education taking highly normative and pragmatic perspectives. Being the center for methods at Leuphana University, our judgement on AI & technology goes beyond its end-goal. Personal Tutor and Study Buddy Premise: AI serves as a versatile, 24/7 personal tutor, offering expertise in various subjects, eliminating the need for expensive courses. It functions as an intelligent study partner, explaining complex concepts in a clear and understandable manner, aiding in problem-solving.

Objection: Learning is based on experience, which ChatGPT cannot have. It cannot feel what a learner currently needs, and is not able to push a learner into a uncomfortable learning space that is often at the core of the grace of teaching. ChatGPT as it stands has way less expertise as -say- Wikipedia, and its knowledge is shallow at best. Learning to evaluate information from the internet is an important skill. Answers from ChatGPT are always way too short to do any decency to any topic. AI is not intelligent, far away from it. The word complex is anyway difficult and ambiguous, and I evaluate thousands of answers, which were not clear but wrong and build on unprecise wording. Worst of all, we cannot replace human interaction with AI. If we do this, we can pretty much guarantee our sanity to end, nothing will be a better guarantee for this but to use AI as buddies. Compromise: Outputs are as shallow as the inputs. If you apply the socratic method and approach the solution to a formulated question by asking questions, you can get a detailed understanding and simultaneously check the argumentation and logic of the AI’s output. Do not ever take any aspect of the AI’s output for granted! good prompt vs bad prompt


premise: ChatGPT can generate unlimited practice questions for any subject, helping students prepare for exams.

Objection: The questions are bad, and if they are able to compete with and real world teaching, then this teaching is obviously very bad. Also, the process of isolating the underlying questions is what makes you actually grasp the topic and its connections. Consequently, eliminating this step of learning is fatal if you want to actually learn something.But even if you just want to pass a test, you can save yourself time. Also, ChatGPT can’t identify your knowledge gaps. You must do that.

Compromise: Use AI to test yourself, but not to generate tests.


Premise: Multilingual AI assists in language practice, facilitating conversations and translations for language learners. Objection: Deepl and ChatGPT do a good job translating. You are able to converse and comprehend with speakers of different languages. Does it really matter to use words from one’s own repertoire when chatting or publishing in another language?






In conclusion, while AI technologies like ChatGPT present an innovative frontier in education, their integration requires a balanced approach. The cons, such as potential reductions in critical thinking, issues with verifiable sources, a need for human interaction in learning, and ethical considerations including privacy and biases, highlight the need for cautious and thoughtful implementation. However, the potential benefits cannot be overlooked. By experimenting with AI in diverse educational tasks, developing critical thinking skills to understand and mitigate AI limitations and biases, and utilizing AI tools for tasks like summarizing, role-playing, brainstorming, and engaging in the Socratic method, students and educators can greatly enhance the learning experience. The key is to tailor AI usage, ensuring that it complements rather than replaces human elements in education. Emphasizing the importance of detailed, well-considered prompts can lead to more accurate and bias-free AI responses, ultimately making AI a valuable ally in the educational process. -->

Links & Further reading





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The author of this entry is Max Mustermann.