
From Sustainability Methods

This page provides an overview on all entries that relate explicitly to Interview methodology.

How to find the proper Interview method

New to Interviews?
We thought about the best way to choose an appropriate Interview method.
We decided that in the end, it comes down to two things: do you want qualitative or quantitative insights - and do you want to control the Interview conduction, or rather observe?
If can decide on these two questions, choose the appropriate Interview method from the following table. You can also have a quick look into the respective entry to check if this is really what you are looking for.

What to do when conducting Interviews

After choosing an appropriate method, there are a few things to consider.
We created this interactive Sankey diagram to show you which other Wiki entries you might be interested in for the analysis (central column) and interpretation (right column) of the results from your specific Interview approach (left column). The diagram is clickable - just pick a topic to learn more about.


The Interview Methodology Sankey Diagram (png, not interactive). Source: own, created with flourish.