Conditions and Branching in Python

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Conditional Statements and Branching in Python

Conditional statements and branching are essential tools in programming that allow your code to make decisions and execute different actions based on specific conditions. This makes your programs more dynamic and adaptable. In Python, you can use conditional statements like if, else, elif to control the flow of your program.

Why are Conditional Statements Important?

Conditional statements enable your code to respond differently depending on various conditions. For instance, you can write a program that checks if a user is eligible for a discount or if a product is in stock. By evaluating conditions, your code can "branch" into different paths, performing specific tasks only when certain criteria are met.

Comparison Operators

Comparison operators are used to compare two values and return a Boolean result (True or False). They are often used in conjunction with conditional statements to make decisions. Here is an overview of the basic comparison operators in Python:

Operator Description Example Result
== Equal to 5 == 5 True
!= Not equal to 5 != 3 True
> Greater than 10 > 5 True
< Less than 3 < 7 True
>= Greater than or equal to 5 >= 5 True
<= Less than or equal to 4 <= 6 True

These operators are crucial for evaluating conditions within if statements. The conditional operations do not only apply to numeric values, you can also apply them to strings or character values.

Conditional Statements

Basic if Statement

The if statement is used to execute a block of code only if a specified condition is True. The syntax is as follows:

if condition:
    # code to execute if the condition is true


# Check if a product is in stock
stock = 20
if stock > 0:
    print("The product is available.")

In this example, the message "The product is available." is printed only if the value of stock is greater than 0.

Adding else Statements

The else else statement allows you to specify a block of code to run if the condition in the if statement is False. This provides an alternative path of execution.


if condition:
    # code to execute if the condition is true
    # code to execute if the condition is false


# Check if a product is in stock
stock = 0
if stock > 0:
    print("The product is available.")
    print("The product is out of stock.")

Here, if stock is 0 or less, the message "The product is out of stock." is printed.

Multiple Conditions

Using elif

The elif statement stands for "else if" and allows you to check multiple conditions sequentially. If the first condition is False, Python will move on to check the next elif condition, and so on.


if condition1:
    # code to execute if condition1 is true
elif condition2:
    # code to execute if condition2 is true
    # code to execute if none of the above conditions are true


# Check discount eligibility based on customer status
customer_type = "loyal"
if customer_type == "new":
    print("Welcome! You get a 10% discount.")
elif customer_type == "loyal":
    print("Thank you for your loyalty! You get a 15% discount.")
    print("Thank you for visiting our store.")

In this example, the message depends on the value of customer_type. If the customer is new, they receive a 10% discount; if they are loyal, a 15% discount is applied. If neither condition is met, a general thank-you message is displayed.

Nested Conditional Statements

You can place conditional statements inside other conditional statements. This is known as nesting and is useful when you need to check additional conditions within a block of code.


if condition1:
    # code to execute if condition1 is true
    if condition2:
        # code to execute if condition2 is true
    # code to execute if condition1 is false


# Check if a customer is eligible for a discount and if they have a coupon
customer_type = "loyal"
has_coupon = True

if customer_type == "loyal":
    if has_coupon:
        print("You get a 25% discount!")
        print("You get a 15% discount.")
    print("Thank you for visiting our store.")

In this example, the program first checks if the customer is loyal. If they are, it then checks if they have a coupon. Based on these conditions, the appropriate discount is applied.

Check out

Conditional statements and branching are essential for creating dynamic and responsive Python programs. By using if, else, elif statements, along with comparison operators, you can control the flow of your code based on various conditions. Nested conditional statements allow for even more complex decision-making processes, making your code adaptable to a wide range of scenarios.

The author of this entry is Gustavo Rodriguez. AI was used partially in the writing process.